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Survivalist Anthologies Volume 1
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Survivalist Magazine Volume 1
Copyright 2017 CDI Publications, LLC. (Kindle Edition)
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Legal Disclaimer: The Survivalist Magazine staff and CDI Publications, Inc. have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented within these pages. Although, from time to time an error may occur, due to the serious nature of the content expressed herein, we suggest you thoroughly research and/or seek legal, professional or medical advice on any topic exposed in Survivalist before taking action.
CDI Publications, Inc. and its staff are not liable for any damages resulting from miss-use of the information contained herein or the accuracy of the information provided to us by our contributors.
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note 12
The Only True Currency in a Post-Collapse World 13
Surviving in the Free State 16
Down to Nothing: Finding Food When You’re Desperate 19
Insects are Yummy! 20
Turtles and Fish 20
Fishing Methods 21
On Survivalism, Preparedness and Self-Reliance 24
How to Turn Canned Soup into Survival Soup 29
Homeschooling: A Family Matter 33
What Are You Gonna Do About a Nuclear Threat or Device? 36
Indoor Shelter Shielding 38
Electromagnetic Pulse 38
Antibiotics: Why You Should Store Them and How You Can Get Them Without a Prescription 40
Pet Stores/Aquariums 41
The Internet 41
Mexico 41
Lone Wolf Syndrome 44
Spotlight: Midland GXT1050VP4 Two-Way Radios 48
Book Review of American Apocalypse: The Beginning, by "Nova" 49
Editor’s Note 52
Reader Feedback 53
Unarmed Combat: Vital Targets, Improvised Weapons and Natural Body Defenses 54
Legal Survival after Use of Deadly Force in Self Defense 58
The Elements of Ability-Opportunity-Jeopardy 59
Complicating Factors 60
Protecting Your Claim of Self-Defense 61
Building Your Survival Arsenal on Budget 63
Shotgun 64
Revolver 66
Rifle 68
John’s Handgun Picks 71
Could the .22 Magnum be the Best Survival Rifle 73
Long Term Ammunition Storage Tips 76
The Shotgun: A Basic Survival Tool 78
Shot Shells 101 81
Seven Sensible Strategies for Teaching Gun Safety 84
#1: A gun is no big deal. 84
#2: A gun is a huge deal. 85
#3: Never underestimate the Stupid Factor 85
#4: Guns and fire are a lot alike. 86
#5: Take advantage of experts and their resources 87
#6: Teach the important role of guns 87
#7: Think in terms of layers when it comes to gun safety 88
Reloading for Survival Situations 89
Preparing for the Future 89
Bullets 90
Reloading Basics 90
Treating Gunshot Wounds Naturally 93
Blood Loss 94
Tissue Damage 95
Open Wound Care 96
Pain 97
Air Rifle Survival: A Serious Alternative 99
to Traditional Firearms 99
The Surprise and Distance of Self-Defense: 102
Selecting the ideal tools for your safety 102
Back-Country Blades The Knives No Survivalist Should Be Without 106
Review: Parry Blade 112
Survival Blade Honorable Mentions 114
Product Review: M&P15R 117
Smith & Wesson’s 5.45x39mm Upper Assembly for the AR-15 117
Reader Feedback 119
Review: Izula Gear Wallet E&E Mini Survival Kit 121
Dry Bulk Food Storage 123
Growing and Processing Raw Wheat Sprouts 126
Cooking off the Grid with Solar Power 128
A solar cooker for every home 129
The Solar Chef by Rose Kern 129
Getting started with solar cooking 130
Ten Top Tips for Solar Cooking 131
Home Distilling - The Spirit(s) of Self-Reliance 133
The Survival Garden 137
How to Never Run Out of Food 141
Weeds for Natural Health 145
Saving Money Around the Homestead 151
Dairy Goats: The Sustainable Food Supply 154
Making Your Water Safe to Drink 158
The Lost Art of Root Cellars 165
Our Barnyard Friends 169
Chickens 169
Rabbits 170
Husbandry Practices 171
Caring for Your Meat Rabbits 172
Ducks 172
Dairy Goats 173
Don’t Throw That Away 174
How to Build an Earthbag Survival Shelter 177
Practicality 178
Simplicity 178
Safety 178
Cost 179
Summary of Building Process 181
Conclusion 184
Home Security and Invasion Counter Measures 186
Product Spotlight 189
Collapse Medicine: 195
Ancient bone needles 195
A Medical Education for Every Age 201
Key Concept: What is an emergency? 201
Key Concept #2: Dial 911 203
Key Concept #3: Family-specific medical issues 204
Advanced training for kids 204
Making and Using a Colloidal Silver Generator 206
Making Your Own Colloidal Silver Generator 207
Using Your Colloidal Silver Generator 209
The Folding Utility Knife as an EDC tool 212
When The Next Super-Bug Strikes 214
Daily Habits to Boost Your Immune Function 220
Exercise 220
Nutrition 222
Sleep 222
Smoking 223
Conclusion 224
Basic Survival Hygiene 225
How to Build a Blowout Kit 229
Treating Chronic Disease WITHOUT Pharmaceuticals 239
Asthma 241
High blood pressure 242
Fitness For When TSHTF 245
Inexpensive Luxuries for the Get Home Bag 251
Tips For Concealed Carry 254
Nutrients for Healthy Survival 258
What I Have Learned About Greens and Wild Edibles 263
The Beck Protocol 271
The FDA's Shelf-Life Lie 273
What will my responsibilities be? 280
What scenario are you preparing for? 280
How many people will you be responsible for? 281
What special needs will you be required to care for? 281
What physical environment will you be living in? 281
How long do you expect to have to provide medical care in an austere environment? 282
What reference materials will I need to be an effective healthcare provider? 282
Product Spotlight 283
Maxpedition Lunada Gearslinger 283
Crovel Extreme 283r />
KIO3 Potassium Iodide Tablets 284
Duke Traps 285
Randal’s Adventure Training (RAT) Fire Kit 286
Global Sun Oven 286
Surviving Martial Law 288
Collapse Communications Part One 293
Survival Gold & Silver 296
Collapse Investing 300
Revisiting CDC FLU Propaganda Absurdities 303
Trust the CDC at your own risk. 303
What did the the mayor of NYC say at the time? 304
Medical collectivism or individual liberty? 304
“Trust us. We’re from the government. We’ve seen it and it’s scary.” 304
Collapse Medicine: 308
Organizing Survival Preparation 318
The Night The Lights Went Out 323
Surviving An EMP: 326
What to Expect From an EMP 327
Planning Ahead for EMP or a Solar Super Storm 329
Protection of Electronic Devices from EMP and Solar Storms 329
Coping Strategies 331
An Interview With James Wesley, Rawles 333
Built To Last 346
Shipping/Cargo Containers 347
Earthbag Homes 348
Dome Construction 348
Honorable Mentions 350
10 Essential Oils for Your Natural Medical Kit 352
Did Western Civilization Already Peak in the Early 1970s? 355
What to Do: Solutions? 358
Frugal Fire Lighting 360
Product Spotlight 366
Humless Road Runner 366
Practical Trauma Kit 367
DeLorme inReach Satellite Communicator 367
Garden Pro Deluxe Greenhouse 368
120 Hour Emergency Candle 369
Photon X-Light Micro-LED Keychain Flashlight 370
On The Road To 2012: 372
AND SO... 375
MREs 379
In summary: 383
Surviving a Super Eruption 385
10 Myths About Food Storage & Freeze Dried Foods 389
#1 Freeze-Dried is Better than Dehydration 389
#2 One Size Fits All 389
#3 Rotation: Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated Foods 389
#4 25-Year Shelf Life Makes Prepping Easy 390
#5 I Only Need 2,000 Calories A Day 390
#6 “Store and Ignore” 391
#7 Traditional is Better. No, Freeze drying is Better 392
#8 I Can Do This On My Own 393
#9 Just Worry About Yourself 393
#10 Food Storage is Secretive 394
The Top Eight Skills that Matter in a Grid Down Scenario 395
Construction 396
Medical 396
Communications 397
Farming 398
Skilled Crafts 398
Warfare/Defense 399
Woodsmen 399
Scientist – Chemistry/Physics 400
Summary 400
2012: Apocalypse Not? 402
The Perfect Storm 403
1. Peak Oil 404
2. Climate Change 405
3. Collapse of the World’s Oceans 406
4. Deforestation 407
5. The Global Food Crisis: Soils, Weather and Water 407
6. Overpopulation 408
How to Turn a Cheap Surplus Rifle Into a Top-Line Shooter 410
Survival Reloading Presses and Other Gear 413
Metallurgy: Post 2012 419
Treating Major and Minor Wounds in a Collapse Situation 424
Creating a Self-Reliance Library on a Budget 431
How Silver Works for Promoting Healthy Wound Healing 436
Direct Action Against Microbes 436
Enhancement of the Immune System 437
Regenerative Properties 437
Essentials For your Bug Out Bag 439
2012 442
Product Spotlight 446
Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Kit 446
2012 Grab-n-Go Tactical Survival Vest 447
SOG FastHawk Tactical Tomahawk 448
Excalibur Small Garden Dehydrator 3500 448
Coughlan’s 30L Compression Sack 449
Editor’s Note
by Ed Corcoran
Welcome to the first issue of Survivalist Magazine! It’s taken a lot of hard work (and lost sleep) to put everything together, but we’re very excited finally to bring it to you!
It’s our goal here at Survivalist to provide the broadest range of information on survival, preparedness, and self-reliance to as many people as possible. It’s a rapidly changing and increasingly dangerous world that we live in these days. We face more threats - domestic and foreign, man-made and natural - than ever before, and it’s never been more important for everybody to be prepared.
In this issue, I’ve brought together experts from across the spectrum of the survivalist/prepper community to share their knowledge and insights on a variety of topics: the survivalist mind-set, disaster food prep, surviving a nuclear attack, procuring food in the wild, homeschooling your children, and much more!
With each issue of Survivalist, we intend to keep bringing you relevant, insightful and educational information that will not only help you prepare for a catastrophe, or societal break-down, but also teach you how to thrive in a self-reliant lifestyle -- no matter what happens.
Like I always say: It’s not just about surviving, it’s about living.
So I hope you enjoy our premiere issue as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you, and you can look forward to more in the coming issues!
Live Free,
Ed Corcoran – Editor, Survivalist Magazine
The Only True Currency in a Post-Collapse World
“It May Not Be What You Think"
by Ed Corcoran
If you’ve been looking into ways to safeguard your financial survival in this rapidly deteriorating economy, you may have heard a lot of talk about investing in physical gold, silver and other precious metals. Considering that our debt-based economy is unsustainable and our currency can best be described as an illusion, this would seem like pretty good advice. In fact, it’s advice that I once adhered to myself, and have passed along to others. Gold and silver have always been "money" ever since humans first conceived the concept of commerce - and so it would seem to make sense that owning precious metals will lock your assets into something much more stable (and tangible) than U.S. dollars. But things are not always as they seem.
First of all, if you’re thinking that the increasing value of gold means that you’ll enjoy a good return on your investment, you might want to think twice about that. Precious metal merchants like Goldline and other such huksters have been baiting people with the allure of big profits from gold investments for years (even more so since people have become increasingly fearful of the economy) but these profits are mostly smoke and mirrors.
The only reason why the price of gold goes up is not because it becomes more valuable, or that demand increases, but because the dollar keeps getting less valuable. Selling your gold for twice as much as you paid for it is a zero net gain if the dollar is worth half as much as it did when you bought the gold.
While it may be true that buying gold and silver may be better than leaving your money in the bank when it comes to protecting your assets during a recession, or
even a depression, this will only work as long as our economy (such as it is) continues to exist. In the event of a full-blown economic melt-down (and the societal collapse that’s sure to follow) you may find that your precious metals will be as worthless to your survival as the fiat currency it was purchased it with.
In order to fully wrap your head around this, you have to undergo a paradigm shift in the way you think about what’s truly valuable. The value of gold and silver is just as much a myth as the illusion that our currency (or the numbers in your bank account) is actually worth something. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Paper money doesn’t have any value without gold or silver to back it up, and conversely, gold and silver don’t have any value without a monetary amount to attach to it. It all comes down to perception and what we’ve been brainwashed to believe. Take away one side of the equation and the other side ceases to have any meaning.
The only thing that makes any article of trade valuable (whether it’s U.S. dollars, gold coins, or pretty stones) is demand. In the aftermath of an economic, or societal collapse, you can be sure that there won’t be any demand for silver and gold for a good long while.
In an "end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it" scenario (which is sure to ensue when this house-of-cards economy comes crashing down) the only items of value will be the things that are useful for one’s survival or sustainability. Offering somebody gold or silver coins in exchange for something that you need will be about as effective as offering them a bag full of rocks, for all the good it will do them.
Now this is where someone usually pipes up and says: "Don’t be ridiculous... Why wouldn’t anyone want to trade in gold? They can always use it to buy other things!"
Really?? From where? Gold is only useful if you have a place to spend it. There aren’t going to be any more banks, or Wal-Marts, or supermarkets or convenience stores.
They’ll be wiped out within hours (or minutes) after the proverbial shit hits the fan.
You can’t eat gold, or use it to procure food... It won’t keep you warm at night... You can’t build a shelter with it, or use it to protect yourself and your family. In fact, in a post-collapse world, a bar of lead would become more valuable than a bar of gold. At least you can make bullets from it, which will provide food and protection.
Instead of focusing on safeguarding your assets and hanging on to your wealth, you’d be better served by investing your money in a rural homestead or retreat, with all the equipment, tools and supplies that you will need to survive in a post-collapse world. After the economy crashes, the barter system will be all we have left, so you should also consider storing up a surplus of items that can be used for trade, such as seeds, fuel, ammunition, food, liquor, etc.